Monday, April 13, 2015

The Sasquatch of Squash

April 13th, 2015

I don't have a good track record with following directions. Even back in elementary school I struggled. Remember those mean worksheets that teachers would give with crazy, out landing instructions like "circle number 5", "underline number 12" and then progressively the instructions would get even weirder like "shout your name three times" resulting in an obedient "AMY! AMY! AMY!" and my feeling of pride that I was the first one to shout my name three times, so I must have been the furthest in the class. I was awesome. Then it would turn out that the instructions of the worksheet said something like "read every instruction before beginning" and the last one would say "Do not do anything listed. Turn your paper over and put your head down." I walked into that trap every time.

Its the same now with cooking recipes. Too many words, if you ask me. When I copy recipes onto notecards, I can summarize the whole thing in a few words. This sparked an idea for me- I want to start a collection of recipes that are EASY. Like, stupidly easy. It would come in handy for people like me who don't like to read instructions and for busy people, moms, lazy people and dumb people. I've started creating a few, and one of them required spaghetti squash.

It turned out REALLY good and it was so easy! I went back to the grocery store to get another spaghetti squash and was so lucky- there was only ONE left. It was about four times the size of the one I cooked before, but I'd figure it out, right?

Well, I managed to pierce the skin of the sasquatch squash with my scary cutco knife, but couldn't get much further than that. I wiggled, jiggled, pushed and pulled, but the thing would not come out and I knew that if I tried any other angles, I was going to end up in the hospital with one or more fingers missing. It was the first time in my life that I cussed out a vegetable. After a bit more struggle, my brain power FINALLY kicked in and I got out the meat mallet. I started tapping the knife with the mallet and it acted as a wedge and split the whole thing open. Success! Then, out of curiosity, I googled "how to cut a spaghetti squash" and there it was- my brilliant meat mallet wedge idea. Damn.


  1. I LOVE THIS! The squash photo makes me giggle! hahahah!

  2. I LOVE THIS! The squash photo makes me giggle! hahahah!
