SUMMER! Well, almost. It FEELS like summer and SMELLS like summer, but I still have to go to school every day for 4 more weeks, so not quite! I do, however, get to come home right after school, which is nice. Normally, there are rehearsals of some sort that I have to run.
Its great to come home after school because I actually get a chance to cook a nice dinner! This recipe is for a night NOT like this- its for nights when you get home late from work and are so hungry that you have no more than 15 minutes to prepare something before you decide to eat your shoe.
The trick is in the PREP. This Sunday, I chopped a ton of veggies and grilled up like 10 chicken breasts to use for the week. I cubed the chicken up into little bite sized pieces to use for this stir fry recipe, as well as for lunch chicken salads. This recipe is GOOD, thanks to my secret weapon ingredient! You can really use whatever veggies you want, but I think that these ones are the perfect combo. This serves 1- double or triple or whatever you need. Here it is!
1/2 green container chopped carrots
1/2 green container chopped bell peppers
1/2 green container onion, chopped into chunks
1/2 green container chopped mushrooms
1 red container cubed grilled chicken breast
1 blue container crumbled goat cheese (you may like less- I am a goat cheese fanatic)
1 tsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbps. PB2
Yes, the PB2 is the secret weapon, it adds a bit more protein, taste, and thickness to the stir fry.
1. Heat oil on medium heat in large skillet
2. Add carrots, cook for approximately 3 minutes
3. Add the rest of the vegetables, cook until tender
4. Add the cubed chicken, herbs and spices, and PB2, cook for another 3-4 minutes to warm the chicken.
And there you have it! Delicious, nutritious, and quick dinner!
Here are the 21 day fix portions:
2 green
1 red
1 blue
2 teaspoons (I count the PB2 as a teaspoon)
Try it out and let me know what veggies worked best for you!
Hey Guys!
As a diamond BeachBody coach, I am always trying to invent new clean eating recipes, especially ones that fit in with the 21 day fix meal plan. I try to make them as SIMPLE as possible because I work full time and when I get home, spending an hour in the kitchen is for real the LAST thing I want to do.
I also try to make things that can be made by prep work- basic foods that I have cooked in advance and are just waiting in the refrigerator for me to lazily through together in 10 minutes and pass off as a meal.

This recipe that I am going to share with you today is a hit! My husband gets really excited when I make this for dinner and my sisters family is a huge fan too! I call it: drum roll please.....
I cook for two, but Kris eats twice as much as I do. I also make extra so that we can eat it for lunch the next day too. Here is what you need to serve 1 regular, non 6'5" 260 lb. person. Double or triple or quadruple as needed to serve your family!
1 Red Container of cubed, grilled chicken (prepared in advance)
1/2 Red Container of cooked turkey bacon, chopped (prepared in advance)
1/2 Red Container of plain greek yogurt
1 Whole wheat pita (1 yellow containers)
1 Blue Container shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and Pepper
1. Mix together bacon, chicken and yogurt
2. Spread mixture onto pita
3. Bake on 350 for 10 minutes
4. Sprinkle cheese on top
5. Bake for another 5 minutes
6. Add salt and pepper to taste
Once, I didn't have plain Greek yogurt and used vanilla. It was actually really good! The sweet and savory contrast was awesome. I think I liked it better with vanilla. Give it a try!
I hope you enjoy this easy, healthy, clean meal!