Let me explain.
If you aren't familiar with the 21 day fix meal, well, it's the absolute best. Cancel everything because this is it. It's realistic, reasonable, not weird, and doesn't force you to drink any weird herbal teas that make you pee a lot.
Anyways, the concept is that each person is allotted a certain number of color coded containers every day according to her (or his) calorie bracket, which is determined by height and weight. The containers are different sizes, which regulates the portions of each of the food categories. For example, I can eat 4 red (protein), 3 purple (fruits), 3 green (veggies), 2 yellows (carbs, starches, some other randoms foods), 1 blue (healthy fats), 1 orange (seeds), and 2 teaspoons (oils/butters), which I like to refer to as silver or gray.
At first, I found the diet to be pretty easy, but then life hit and I realized that I don't always have time to meal plan that intensely. I needed something to help me keep track of all of the foods that I consume without having to be the weirdo that pulls a meal plan out of her back pocket every time I want to eat something.
Instead, I decided to be the weirdo who strung beads non-stop for the next 2 weeks. I made a small bracelet to represent every portion that I am allotted throughout the day. 4 red ones, 3 green ones, 3 purple ones, etc.

The idea is to start with them ALL on your left wrist.

Say that you have your Shakeology for breakfast and put spinach and grapes in it. Thats one red, one green and one purple. You then move those bracelets over to the right wrist.

Then for lunch, you have a chicken salad with vinaigrette dressing and sunflower seeds. Lets see... one green, one red, and one silver all over to the right wrist.
The color bracelets left on your left wrists are the foods that you still get to eat. By the end of today, all I have left is....
ONE YELLOW. You know what that means.
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